#BlogTour #AuthorInterview for The Hidden by Alison Knight @Alison_Knight59 #TheHidden @rararesources

Secrets, nightmares, and a big black dog…

Montana, 1973.

Faye has found sanctuary in a simple cabin in the wilds of the Crazy Mountains in Montana with a dog called Bear. She’s a long way from her old life in England. But she knows that one day her peaceful life could be invaded by her enemies, and she keeps her guard up at all times.

Jeff returns home from Vietnam, a wounded, damaged hero, just weeks after his father’s sudden death. He finds hostile, secretive Faye living in his cabin and refusing to leave. The reading of his father’s will adds another layer of mystery to this woman’s presence.

The tension between them grows as Jeff tries to overcome his nightmares and expose Faye’s scars and secrets. The more he learns about her, the more enigmatic she seems.

When her enemies come calling, she needs Jeff to protect her. Can they learn to trust each other? And will Faye ever be safe?

Purchase Link – https://mybook.to/thehidden


1. When did you know that you wanted to be an author?

When I was fourteen years old and working as a volunteer in my school library. I found a new book called The Green Bronze Mirror by Lynne Ellison. It was a thrilling time travel adventure written by the author when she was just fourteen years old. It made me realise that I wanted to be a writer too.

2.  What inspired you to write this book?

Actually, my previous book, The Legacy. In that story the main male character has a spoilt, arrogant girlfriend who made his life a misery. I started to wonder why she was like that and what happened to her after the end of that story, and whether it was possible for her to be redeemed. So The Hidden picks up her story nearly four years later when her life has been completely changed and she is guarding her secrets and living with constant nightmares.

3.  If you could sell this book in one sentence what would it be?

Two people, united yet divided by their secrets, nightmares and a big black dog try to find peace in the wilds of Montana..

4.  What are you up to next?

I’m currently working on a contemporary series of six stories featuring a group of friends who grew up in the care system together. Now in their mid to late twenties, they decide to try to find out what happened to them and their families that resulted in them ending up in their care system. None of their stories are simple and they’re not all even sure they want to know. But the time is right for them to learn the truth. There will be DNA surprises, intrigue and showdowns along the way!

5.  Who is your biggest inspiration?

Ooh, that’s a really tough question to answer. I suppose Lynne Ellison was the first big inspiration – reading her book started me thinking about becoming a writer, even if it did take me a few decades to get there! I also have to thank the author Katie Fforde who was so encouraging when I was a wannabe writer and joined the Romantic Novelists’ Association. She told me about her struggles to become a published author and urged me never to give up. Finally, I am inspired by my late parents. I told their story in my novel, Mine. I always hope that I’m making them proud.

Thank you for inviting me onto your blog, Donna, and for your interesting and challenging questions!


Alison Knight has been a legal executive, a registered childminder, a professional fund-raiser and a teacher. She has travelled the world – from spending a year as an exchange student in the US in the 1970s and trekking the Great Wall of China to celebrate her fortieth year and lots of other interesting places in between.

In her mid-forties Alison went to university part-time and gained a first-class degree in Creative Writing at Bath Spa University and an MA in the same subject from Oxford Brookes University, both while still working full-time. Her first book was published a year after she completed her master’s degree.

Alison currently has a trio of novels published by Darkstroke. The first, Mine, is a domestic drama set in 1960s London based on real events in her family. She is the only person who can tell this particular story. Exploring themes of class, ambition and sexual politics, Mine shows how ordinary people can make choices that lead them into extraordinary situations.

The Legacy, a drama set in London in 1969, was inspired by a scene in Mine, and explores how an unexpected legacy can be both a blessing and a curse. The Legacy looks at themes of greed and expectations, and the lengths people will go to when they are desperate.

The Hidden, available from September 2021,is a romantic suspense that picks up the story of one of the characters in The Legacy. Set in Montana in 1973, two wounded, damaged people are forced together, each guarding their secrets. Can they learn to trust each other? And will their nightmares ever end?

Alison teaches creative and life-writing, runs workshops and retreats with Imagine Creative Writing Workshops(www.imaginecreativewriting.co.uk) as well as working as a freelance editor. She is a member of the Society of Authors and the Romantic Novelists’ Association.

She lives in Somerset, within sight of Glastonbury Tor.

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