#BlogTour #BookReview for The Awakening Of Claudia Faraday by Patsy Trench @rararesources #TheAwakeningOfClaudiaFaraday @PatsyTrench

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‘It got better, in time, though to be truthful it always felt more of a duty than a pleasure: a little like homework, satisfying when over, and done well, but never exactly enjoyable. But then nobody had ever suggested it could be otherwise.’

This was the view of Claudia Faraday, 1920s respectable wife and mother of three, on the subject of sex. That is until an unexpected turn of events shakes her out of her torpor and propels her back into the world revitalised and reawakened, where she discovers, as Marie Stopes might have said: Approached in the right way, even homework can be fun.



I really enjoyed this story and I thought that the author has a superb writing style that really brought the period, the characters and what they were going through and dealing with to life!

I loved the focus for the story and it was a wonderful book – one that I was completely absorbed by and it was one that I wanted to hurry up and finish so I could find out what would happen with Claudia!

This is one of those books that of it was released a few years back could well have found itself with a “forbidden” book tag so I am delighted with how views have changed as books like this need to be read –things like this did happen and sex is by no means a modern invention!

It is 4.5 stars from me for this one, rounded up to 5 stars for Goodreads and Amazon – the book was a great read, it has some excellent characters and a well-developed storyline too!  Very highly recommended! 

Purchase Linkhttps://mybook.to/ClaudiaF

The Awakening of Claudia ebook cover


Patsy Trench lives a quiet and largely respectable life in north London. Claudia’s story shows a side of her normally shy and reserved nature that is little known, even to her friends and acquaintances. Her previous books, about her family’s history in Australia, are entertaining and informative accounts of that country’s early colonial beginnings. She began writing late, and in a previous life she was an actress, scriptwriter, playscout, founder of The Children’s Musical Theatre of London and lyricist. When not writing books she emerges from her shell to teach theatre and organise theatre trips for overseas students. She is the grateful mother of two clever and grown-up children, and she is addicted to rag rugging and, when current circumstances permit, fossicking on the Thames foreshore for ancient treasure.

Social Media Links –

Website: www.patsytrench.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PatsyTrenchWriting/

Twitter: @PatsyTrench

Instagram: claudiafaraday1920

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